So hello, this is still the Assistant Gardener for Dudmaston: Mark McCormack. Only this time one year on from the starting date and several (lots of severals) months on from my last post. Alot has gone on in my first year, to say the least. On my last post from August I mentioned my boss, Guy lory being off for a few weeks. Well those few weeks quickly turned into a few more and one thing led to another I was in charge of Dudmaston's Garden for 6 months! Thankfully Guy is now back in charge and everything is back to how it was before. *Wipes sweat off brow*
With the return of my boss, I'm hoping that the extra time and energy of having another full time gardener at Dudmaston will give me the time I need to keep everyone updated to the exciting things that are happening this year and in the years to come.
Volunteers working on path repair. |