Sunday, 16 June 2013

Ferrets, Falcons and Fletchings

Two of the dozen or so birds that were on display.
Even though I wasn't supposed to be in this weekend for the fathers day event I couldn't help but pop down with my family to check out the two great events we had on! The folks from Feather Perfect came to display their amazing array of birds of prey. The flying went pretty smoothly, except when one of their falcons named Chris decided to perch in the Cedar tree on the main lawn and refused to come down, cleaning his beak in protest.

Also they had a couple of ferrets with them, used for driving rabbits out of holes, while I didn't get chance to stay and see what they had planned, the gardener's here at Dudmaston would have appreciated a little assistance in dealing with our floppy eared adversaries.

Where's Chris? Like where's wally, but with a bird of prey...

We also had the Scouts archery group, shooting some tradition and modern bows and longbows as well as running have a go sessions. As a bit of a history geek, I was very keen to have my go at shooting a tradition bow, but when I asked if they had any traditional longbows over 60lbs my answer was a dry look and a simple "not for you". Shucks! Still, the modern 30lbers were still a lot of fun and I will admit I went back a couple of times to get my fill! Although it was a fathers day event it wasn't just for the big kids, there were some great miniature bows for some miniature archers to try out too...

All in all it seemed like a very successful and popular day! Watch this space for more events going on in the gardens! If the birds of prey really interested you, we have a Falconer who is going to start coming on a more regular basis. He is currently in the process of training his 2 year old birds and will be bringing them in to acclimatise them to the public. While they don't fly, they are still impressive creatures to behold and William (our falconer) is a font of information about falconry both old and new. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

The new Gardener at Dudmaston

3 months ago, moving day.
As this is my first post (of many) I'll take the chance to introduce myself. I'm Mark McCormack, the new assistant Gardener at the National Trust run estate of Dudmaston Hall near Birdgnorth. I studied art when first leaving school and went to Stafford College and then Swindon University while I decided what it was I wanted to do with my life.  I made the decision to go back to college while working at a supermarket chain  to turn one of my interests into a career, horticulture.

Fast forward 3 years, one horticultural degree, a 2 and a half year old son, a new haircut and an imminently pregnant wife later and here I am working in my dream job, living on site at one of the most beautiful estates Shropshire has to offer!

The heather borders in April.
I started at Dudmaston on the 4th of March and have just about passed my 3 month probation, in that time I've learned, or at least been reminded of the fact that despite walking away from college with a triple distinction in Horticulture at level 3, in the top three of 35 students, as well as working and volunteering in several large gardens and estates, I still have a lot to learn!
In the coming months and years, I'll be trying to update this blog at least once a week, keeping everyone informed of everything that is going on in the gardens, from what work we are doing, upcoming events and even what plants are worth seeing in the gardens right now.....
Speaking of which, up in the American gardens; RHODODENRONS AND AZALEAS! Just a small taster of what is currently flowering here at Dudmaston, we have an impressive selection of Rhodo's and Azalias.